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Submit Site | HNS↗WS

Submit your website

Thank you for taking the time to add your website.

Details of adding a website

Nuxt Content is used to manage websites. This allows for easy updating and organization of websites without a database.

Adding a website involves creating a .md file inside one of the content subfolders that includes some basic details:

--- title: // title of website slug: // url friendly title, same as file name icon: // name of image file, size: 96px x 96px, ex: bob.jpg description: // short description of website and services offered handshake: // is the website hosted with handshake, true/false url: // website address, ex: https://gate.xor/ docs: repo: owner: // link to where website owner can be reached ---

Only a title, slug, and url are needed for a site to be added.

Submit via Github

To add your website through Github, create a pull request and add your .md file to a category subfolder within the content directory.

[optional] To add your website icon, upload an image to '/public/img/icons' in the same pull request or link to the image within the .md file.

Submit via Email

You can submit your website or request changes to an existing website by emailing

Please include a file with your website info as described in Details of adding a website section or type out the information directly and mention which category you believe the website belongs in.

You may also attach or link to an image that represents your website.

It may take some time for your website to be added, though you will be notified by email once it is.

Submit via Form

Fill out and submit the form below for your website to be added to the directory. If provided, you will revieve an email once the site has been added or if more information is needed.